TAilings and IndustriaL waste ENGineering Center

Lorem ipsum was popularized in the 1960s with Letraset’s dry-transfer sheets, and later entered the digital world via Aldus PageMaker.

The decade that brought us Star Trek and Doctor Who also resurrected Cicero—or at least what used to be Cicero—in an attempt to make the days before computerized design a little less painstaking.

The French lettering company Letraset manufactured a set of dry-transfer sheets which included the lorem ipsum filler text in a variety of fonts, sizes, and layouts. These sheets of lettering could be rubbed on anywhere and were quickly adopted by graphic artists, printers, architects, and advertisers for their professional look and ease of use.

Aldus Corporation, which later merged with Adobe Systems, ushered lorem ipsum into the information age with its desktop publishing software Aldus PageMaker. The program came bundled with lorem ipsum dummy text for laying out page content, and other word processors like Microsoft Word followed suit. More recently the growth of web design has helped proliferate lorem ipsum across the internet as a placeholder for future text—and in some cases the final content (this is why we proofread, kids).

Jorge Macedo

Jorge Macedo, Ph.D., P.E. is an Assistant Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Dr. Macedo received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Geoengineering in 2014 and 2017 from the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of California Berkeley. Before joining UC Berkeley, Dr. Macedo practiced 6 years as a geotechnical engineer in a global consultant firm, working on a range of challenging geotechnical and geo-environmental multi-disciplinary projects for the infrastructure, mining, and oil & gas sectors. In particular, he worked on the major mining projects in Peru, Argentina, and Brazil from conception to detailed engineering design.

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